Yvette Mwendwa
Yvette is a programs lead and innovation facilitator. Yvette believes building great relationships with clients and partners is the best way to keep a business successful.
Her role included carrying out extensive research and mapping for the agribusiness ecosystem in Kenya, managing Africa Basque Challenge finances, as well as coordinating and managing boot camp operations. With her background in engineering, she was the program lead in charge of promotion, outreach and stakeholder mapping as well as facilitator for the Better Cities challenge targeting young women in STEM to develop social enterprise within the STEM field. She is also a facilitator for the Better Cites Incubation given to the winning teams from the challenge and UPSHIFT Somalia.
She is the lead for East and Southern Africa for the Platform Coops Now online course, a practical and theoretical emergency online program to learn about and incubate platform co-ops by New School University of New York and Mondragon University of Spain. She is also the facilitator and coach for the course. She was also an executive committee member for the inaugural Africa Basque Challenge (ABC), which took place in Kenya and the Basque Country, Spain in 2018.
She is also an entrepreneur and brings first-hand experience to the coaching and incubation training that are carried out. Yvette has a Bachelor of Science degree in Aeronautical engineering and a Master’s of Science in Aerospace materials.