Making the future a source of inspiration for the insurance sector with AXA

We leaded a team-innovation process for top 50 AXA directors (representing France, Spain, Morocco, Colombia, Arabia, Italy…) together with Ashoka (world largest network supporting Social Entrepreneurship) to foster innovation in AXA and create a social-intrapreneurs network and explore collaboration opportunities with Ashoka fellows (world top +3000 social innovators in the world).

We worked in different topics regarding innovation:
1. Team Intrapreneurship: They reflected about how AXA is organized internally and how it could improve the organizational design to foster innovation.
2. Understanding the environment: Towards a more Human oriented AXA, they experienced different tools and methods to understand the users.
3. From idea to business: Going deep in social trends to adapt AXA to the new reality such as Active Ageing, and how develop new ideas and business models.
4. Impact Networks: In a more and more global world, they reflected about how AXA conects with the environment and the different agents.