“Alimentando el Cambio” is a strategic alliance of Danone, the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training of the Spanish Government and Ashoka Foundation, whose objective is to investigate and activate social innovations that promote healthy eating habits and lifestyles in the school, retail and home contexts.
In Spain, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children is 41.3%, according to data from the Aladino Study. The World Health Organization has resulted in the growth of obesity rates as one of the most worrying public health issues of the 21st century. We believe that social innovation and changemaker education are part of the solution.
In this context, Ashoka and Danone call for a radical change in eating behaviors and lifestyles through schools and homes in Spain, strengthening health and well-being practices and creating a generation of children with the capacity and tools needed to improve their lifes and their families’.
From Danone the initiative of ‘Alimentando el Cambio’ is included in the corporate global vision of ‘One Planet. One Health ‘: an appeal to all users and all people with an interest in food, to join the Food Revolution. A movement to promote the adoption of healthier and more sustainable eating habits and consumption.
For DOT it is a great challenge and a genuine pleasure to collaborate in this movement and design tangible solutions to promote good eating habits and healthy lifestyles solutions through schools, homes and supermarkets in Spain.