Client: BBK Fundazioa
Project: BBK Klima
Category: Strategic Innovation, Space Design, Experience Design, Product Design, New Narratives, Branding Strategy 
Keywords: Adventure Park, Character design
The Challenge

BBK Fundazioa, a banking foundation based in Bilbao (Bizkaia), completely transformed its Social Innovation strategy, marking Social Impact as its new main vectors, thanks to which the BBK KUNA project was created, and Sustainability and respect for the environment, objectives of this project.

To this end, the BBK Foundation had a protected area in the heart of the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve. An open space of 80,000 square meters of natural surroundings, which has historically hosted social activities such as children’s camps and now aspires to become the new epicenter of Bizkaia’s commitment to respect for the environment, and an international reference space for contribution to overcome sustainability challenges.

The Result: BBK Klima

In response to  BBK Foundation’s Sustainability Strategy, at DOT we conceptualized BBK Klima. An experiential park in synergy with nature, that wants to raise environmental awareness in three main areas: water, food and energy-mobility.

In the project, we have defined several challenges, with several group-games throughout the space. As a unifying element, at DOT we created the DIWO Universe, some animated creatures that guide the entire BBK Klima experience and they inspire in new sustainable lifestyles, and move the discourse of the park beyond its doors, changing the behaviours of the families.

The Park

The park proposes a family learning experience around 3 Independent Challenges: Water, Food and Mobility/Energy, made up of different routes and challenges that will make you move throughout the space. Thanks to an app, some questions related to the theme are launched, and in order to answer them, the teams must found clues and codes to solve games.

In addition, the Park facilities have authentic spaces such as a Scape Room, immersive audiovisual spaces, natural spaces such as an Arboretum, an amphitheater, recreational spaces or even multipurpose facilities that will host more activities related to Sustainability.

Wind Energy Installation
Solar Energy Installation
Wave Energy Installation
Zip Line
Hotel de Insectos
Anfiteatro natural
Scape Room
Aquatic park
Electric Bycicles
Much more than a Theme Park
The House of DIWOS

The BBK Klima experience is created to have an unconscious learning process, where the little ones easily understand aspects as relevant and complex as the challenges we face in the sustainability of the planet we inhabit.

To help us in this educational challenge, a universe of tiny creatures has been created: The DIWOS (Do It With Others). They will articulate all the messages and experiences proposed by BBK Klima around sustainability.